Monday, October 4, 2010

The Dawn of the Mullet

It takes time to create an entity so revered as the mullet.  It has existed in many different forms throughout the ages, but it was really in the 1980's that the hairstyle truly began to make a name for itself.  My very own mother sported her own businesswoman version of the cut: the top of her half was shellacked into a very springy bowl shape, while her neck remained conveniently warmed by a thick sheet of party.  I promise, it was chic.  I can't post a picture of my mom---she's a beautiful lady, but she's not for this article.  Instead, I bring you far greater mullets.  And since the ladies are often underrepresented when it comes to this feat of coiffure, I'm keeping it female.

1. Behold a Lady.

It's not often I find a picture that combines three of my favorite things: mullets, overalls, and pictures taken without people's knowledge.  Anyone want to guess where she is?  My guess is a Journey concert.  You just know "Don't Stop Believin'" is her karaoke jam.

2. Take Me Out to Your Mullet

Buy me some party and cracker jack, I don't care if I never come back!

3. Diva Mullet

There is a reason why this woman looks so classy.  She's trying to sell you something.
image courtesy of

Her hair.  It bums me out that the mullet isn't real---I'd love to see one on such a fox---but I do love that there's only $29.95 between me and mullethood.

4. Labyrinth-Era David Bowie Lady Mullet!!!!

According to DailyMullet , this is a genuine West Virginia mullet.  Upon closer inspection, however, I have deduced that this woman is merely trying to emulate one of the most important figures in the 80s:

David Bowie's Goblin King.

5. The Mullet Becomes MeI found the following photo on musiquecd while searching for "Femme Mullet" (always a worthwhile activity, I promise).

I was outraged. hair looks shockingly similar.

I guess we all become our parents, someday.

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